01 Sep

I am pretty intimidated by breads in general. When the sourdough craze came about during the early pandemic, I tried to hop on board but repeatedly was left disappointed and under salted. Needless to say I have not been confident when it comes to raised savory doughs since.

All that changed when I came across this BonAppetite focaccia (foc-ahsh if you’re feeling very fancy). The recipe title says “no knead”, so it was calling to me to get up and try again. Boy am I glad I did. This beautifully bubbly salty, oily, garlicky carb queen is perfection. It is a lot of passive work (my favorite), and the result makes a very strong case for bread-only meals.

The recipe is awesome because it has steps! Pictures! And videos!!! There is no goofin this one!

I have yet to venture out of the garlic butter base because it is so wonderful, but I can see easy incorporations of fresh herbs, olives, or whatever else sparks your imagination and tastebuds!

Here’s a picture of the pre-baked puff mama, before it is baked and generously brushed with buttery garlic and showered with flaky salt. No post-picture as it was eaten before I thought to snap a pic. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to make another….

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