Recently I came back from an amazing girls trip with my brunch daddies where talk was all things food, trauma, and Real Housewives drama. If you are anything like us, the women in these shows have been with you for a long time. Through ups, downs, relationships, break ups, and big life moments, these women have been with us and us with them.
So naturally, when daydreaming about how I can marry my love of baking and housewives, I came up with this idea: what kind of cookie would Ramona be? Or Meredith? If I could capture Scary Island in a sweet bite, what would it taste like?
So began my crazed journey into themed cookies. These goodies are influenced by likeness, preferred flavor profiles or foods, feelings evoked with the treat, and overall vibe. Join me on this wild ride of an idea, discovering the treats that embody our iconic women and profound moments from history.
Additionally you will find other baking successes and experiments throughout the site.
So, click around, scroll while you’re watching tv, whatever! Enjoy your stay, and thanks so much for stopping by!